Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Quest 4 - S'More on Reflection

Assignment 2b:

Reviewing the elements of the portfolio cycle, how do these elements fit into your vision of developing your ePortfolio?


  1. Reflection is really the main purpose for my creating the ePortfolio. As a result, the cycle in very important. However, after watching the video, I realize that my ePortfolio focuses a lot on the after reflection. So now I'm thinking I might need/want to create a space where students can plan and reflect before and during larger writing assignments, especially something like the research paper. I'm not sure how this will look on the site yet though... I need to keep thinking about that one. : )

  2. My eportfolio was for posting photos and reflecting on the process before taking photos, during and after. In the past, I have done reflection with my students before and after, but would like to add more during. I think the eportfolio will also give students a chance to reflect on their skill as a photographer as a whole; not just on each assignment. Hopefully they can see their progress and overall compositional skill as they add to the portfolio.

  3. Leslie, thanks for letting us know how you have used student portfolio reflections in the past. Looking forward to hearing how an added component of reflection "during" benefits your students. Please keep us posted!

  4. Although I've had a reflection assignment after each quarter, my hope/goal with an eportfolio is to have students become more aware of their grammatical skills and flaws, at the time of their writing, not necessarily after the assignment is done. Thus, the in-action reflection is very important to me; if students can realize what potential they have and I can push and grow their writing boundaries throughout the year instead of saying, "this verb is conjugated incorrectly, please review your verbs". This eportfolio will be an opportunity for me to challenge myself in challenging them to be more active learners and more confident writers.
