Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Curating and Sharing Resources

While I've used Google Sites for a number of years, I started two new recently.  The first, Innovation Celebration, is designed as a way to celebrate innovative uses of technology at our school, through the lens of ISTE Standards.  A start . . .

The more recent is a site I created for our Ignatian Service Learning capstone projects.  While I technically own the site, I am not the only contributor.  I'm delighted to see how others have added their talented contributions to the basic site structure!  The purpose of this site was both as a repository of resources for our students and service partners as well as a way to help the service partners understand the capstone projects, since these were new this year.  The site and the service projects will help raise awareness of social justice issues with which the partners engage and are wonderful examples of authentic learning.

Overall, I've found the new Google Sites to be easier to design and a great way for people inside and outside of our school to showcase 21st Century teaching and learning.  I am glad Google is always upgrading and adding new features, too!