Wow, what a busy summer you've had! Time to showcase all your hard work!
- Share a link to your Google Site ePortfolio within this comments area.
- Within your Google Site ePortfolio, include at least one artifact and one reflection for that artifact. Note: Your ePortfolio itself can be your main artifact and the subject of your reflection if you are building an ePortfolio to show professional growth. Please upload another artifact either way so you can practice the mechanics of that process.
- Elaborate on why your artifact was selected and its meaning and value in your portfolio.
- What is the artifact's value to Loyola Academy?
- Thinking more broadly, what does your ePortfolio show about your learning and how you have grown professionally from this summer online course?
- What more can you learn on the topic of ePortfolios?
- What suggestions do you have for improving this learning environment?
- Magis: Check out the work of one of your colleagues' posted herein, if any. Comment on one aspect you found valuable and/or interesting and why.